Saturday, June 12, 2010

FTC will investigate Apple

Federal Trade Commission into whether Apple will open an illegal use of the mobile software market and damage rivals investigation, according to some published reports.
Last Friday afternoon, Bloomberg News and the Wall Street Journal both reported that the U.S. Federal Trade Commission has opened a formal investigation.
Bone of contention is the Apple store in its recent application to adjust the rules. In May this year, Apple made changes to prohibit companies to create ipad iPhone and applications, and some development tools on the iPhone on Monday, effectively prevent the application to access Google, AdMob and other non-independent mobile advertising network.
Apple did not immediately respond for comment.
The investigation will be whether Apple will use its highly successful App Store, in order to harm competitors. When Apple changed what tools can be used to write the application stores the application it raises eyebrows, as the change seems to specifically Adobe, Apple recently with their dust in the market rules.
The new rules allow them to stop developers using the application for a variety of devices running - such as other platforms, not just Apple's iPhone, but the competitor's equipment and. Adobe's Flash platform and Novell's MonoTouch tools fall into this category.
Then, earlier this week, Apple's iPhone may use their own application software development, advertising in order to "stock analysis data, advertising service providers own or with developers or mobile device, mobile operating system or development environment than Apple's other sub-contact sales. "
The most prominent mobile advertising service provider owned by or with developers or mobile devices and mobile operating system distributor is AdMob. AdMob now owned by Google, another former ally, Apple has publicly feuded with the company, but this is because Google has entered its Android platform for cell phone software market.
Wall Street Journal said the Federal Trade Commission and Justice Department have been discussing "who in the weeks to rein in the investigation" report. Federal Trade Commission might get the job, because it only took a few months time to study Google's purchase and is very familiar with the AdMob mobile advertising market conditions.
Federal Trade Commission investigation into Apple's only business conduct survey series to date. Earlier yesterday, the U.S. International Trade Commission said it will be HTC's counterclaim of view, Apple's patent on its smart phones 5 infringement.

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