Thursday, June 17, 2010

HP says IT pros need own social network

Although the current flood of social networking tools, HP will soon be launching their own social networks, particularly aimed at professionals in IT though.
This is called 48Upper, it-yourself "Declaration", which said that on the IT professionals: "We are within the long, lonely life pessimistic stereotypes."
Another video, showing IT staff to laugh, smile, and with work cubicles animal specimens.
This ignores anti-Dilbert version, 48Upper (which from a Hewlett-Packard in California to establish its name), using the familiar social networking tools, collaboration, friends, based on knowledge sharing, but it is clearly against the system, HP user management tool.
The product is currently being tested the test is ready, and HP officials to discuss the software in its meeting here, some aspects of it.
An integral part of, 48Upper different from the mainstream social networks figure.
Since the e-mail, IT professionals need to network with external companies and organizations for help. Designers 48Upper still want the user to seek help from outside IT folk, but this tool will have several steps to help them filter out information that may reveal what the company, or it may be to keep quiet.
As a software as a service (SaaS) delivery, 48Upper will use the inquiry to establish technical library. The user will be able to control how the technical information sharing. If the information is "open", will be available to other service users, or to keep for internal use.
"And we do not state secrets, IT, said:" Matthew Schvimmer, technical services, senior director of HP's business products.
48Upper technical information in the database will not be limited to HP's products, Schvimmer said he expects 48Upper library has been used by an IT shop of any technical information. Social networks will be able to take full advantage of HP's business management system and use the advantage, for example, transmission alarm.
HP users a management system, Henry Yam, corporate vice president of management Berman asset management companies in the limited liability company, is unfamiliar with the concept of service, but that potential, he said, "This will greatly help . "
"Now it is a hodgepodge, where in the world," Mr Yam said, adding that the workers could run the Forum from the supplier to seek answers to another.
Schvimmer said that collaboration tools, in particular, is necessary, because today the responsibility of IT professionals may need to pay some of the expertise across multiple disciplines, so that critical needs of the network.
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